Saturday, August 26, 2006

FW: This is so cute!! :)

I just noticed that my little truck is never cuter than when it's loaded all up with stuff.

It's basically the truck equivalent of the classic "Baby in a too big baseball cap":

So be sure to e-mail that truck photo to all of your colleagues with an appropriate subject line about cuteness.


Blogger Paul107 said...

That truck is a good look for you.
Do you have a tape deck?
You need a John Deer hat with the big curve to go with the big load in the back.

2:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay, so, first of all. Norwood is the name of an elementary school -- my elementary school.

And, it may have been in the dawn of electronic time, but provides a good corrolary for your incipiant project. (And you really didn't need an actual baby to make this point.) Anyway, it was an auspicious beginning for me, and I hope it is for you as well.

- Kerry

P.S. - And, yeah, David thinks the trunk's cool too.

7:25 PM  

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